Three reasons a goal planner helps cultivate what matters
For the past four years, I’ve been using the PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner from Cultivate What Matters to help me focus and follow the leading of the Lord in my life.
While there’s no power in the sheets, the process outlined in the planner has been life-changing for me.
Here’s three reasons why I love using this planner:
The monthly, weekly and daily actions that will help me cultivate what matters.
It helps me DISCOVER what matters.
Regularly, when I answer the prompts provided, the Holy Spirit brings an area of focus that needs my attention.It help me PLAN what matters.
Plotting out monthly, weekly, and daily actions to cover all the important areas of my life keeps my goals in the forefront of my mind.It helps me DO what matters.
I love going back to track my progress and see that I’m building the life that will leave a legacy of faith and love for my family.
If you think a goal planner might help you, check out the 2022 PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner. It launches Wednesday, October 6, 2021.